Monday, October 15, 2007

Game Three

Simply pathetic.

It was great to see Ortiz, Manny, Lowell, and Drew decided to get fine arts degrees at the "Nomar Garciaparra School of Swinging at the First Pitch in a Crucial Situation".

Also, if I hear one more time about Dice-K's exploits as a high school pitcher I am going to lose it. I don't care if he threw 300 picthes, it doesn't mean a pile of crap in America, especially if he can't get out of the 5th in the biggest start of his life. Joe Costig turned into Joe Buck by the second inning. I had to listen to the Mars Volta just to pass the time.

Until further notice Dice K will be refered to only as "Jake Westbrook's School Yard Biyatch".

1 comment:

IC said...

Dude, they have to swing at the first pitch against Paul Byrd. Better that than try to hit in the 0-1 hole he'd always put you in.