Monday, August 27, 2007

Year Two…

I have been saying it for years, and I was labeled a “pessimist”. Today, it is I who finally gets the last hour on the shrinks couch, because ….."We live in a Man Strangle Dog World"….Get comfortable.

Alberto Gonzales’ resignation ends the turbulent few years for this country and its embittered Texan, El Presidente. In the last two years exactly, New Orleans was destroyed and the amount of human suffering on the mainland was multiplied by millions. Then Don Rumsfeld had to be replaced for what can best be described as screwed incompetence. Like adding fuel to a burning terrorist started fire off the Mediterranean, El Presidente has seen his home slice Karl “The Dove” Rove, Tony Snow, and now Alberto Gonzales line up to jump ship. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. I think El Presidente should take some time off, it has been a tough 2 years.

A tremendous GFY to the US Men’s Basketball team for crushing Brazil and now setting its sights on those hoop crazies to the south, the tricolors of Mexico. This blue collar group of rag-tag multi-millionaires is quietly setting the world back on its normal axis. It is reversing the affects of Global Warming as you read this.

Man U finally scored another goal. Nice work Lads....Is Nani the new Cantona?

Is killing dogs and finding God akin to finding God and then eating a big plate of Chicken Parm? I don't think one can go without the other.

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