Saturday, May 12, 2007

'Been Feeling Uninspired...

Two bizarre elements are at play right now. Being a slave to 'Da Man destroys my intellectual blogger energy. Whoring myself to play the game has been mentally taxing. Also, with fewer papers to correct as the year comes to a close, I find myself with fewer opportunities to procrastinate via a blog. Nothing gets my blood boiling more then grading 150 essays on various aspects of Family Law in America. Doing that had me acting like the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania for months. Since, the rants have been far less jaded. This neutered effect has me again contemplating a purely sports blog(which has been done), as sports are working as the glue that keeps me from a multi-media censory overload. So, we will see.

A few observations from the week
-France has a new leader, and England will have a new leader this summer. I envy them.
-The War in Afganistan is still going on.
-Paris Hilton is going to jail. Our Long national nightmare is over….
-The less said about Dancing with the Stars...the better the world will be...

Here are some instances of genius in our culture that I found this week.

-“Looking good Billy Ray"
-“Feeling good Lewis”

My early vote for president goes to…..

ohhh baby….Ohhh Baby

Hail to the Champions, this intro should be replicated in America.

Oh no!!!
“I got that same feeling on this film I got when I was doing Armageddon”-Michael Bay

The song that keeps on giving

Almost makes me want to be vegan…


A new season of the best show on TV, Rescue Me, starts up in June. Time to get the song from the credits stuck in my head….

Why stand on a silent platform? Fight the war….

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