Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Muse was right...

This is the end of the world...time to get Political...

Can somebody explain to me where Senator Arlen Spector gets off going after the NFL over Spygate when he is paid by American taxpayers and is in a position to:

A. Work on Fixing the American Economy...Which sucks right now by the way...
B. Work on accomplishing an end to the War in Iraq, The War in Afghanistan, the War on Terrorism, and the War on Drugs and paying health benefits to all the American victims who have been left physically and mentally scarred all of these events
C. Cleaning up the Environment, ending Global Warming...Climate Change, or whatever yor want to call the fact that the last ten years have been the hottest ten years on record...
D. Bridge the gap between the rich and poor in America...the time is now
E. Write effective illegal immigration policies
F. Saving American Public Schools
G. Investigating links between American coorporations and the profiteering of the murder of innocent people...
H.Investigating Barry Bonds....hell, at least Bond is accused of breaking actual laws in America...
I. Joining Ct's own Joe Lieberman in trying to start WWIII. Thanks for everything Joe!

And the List Continues...

This is why I hate the Congress. They are a group of egotistical agenda setters who whore themselves and the American public out to the nearest camera. They might as well be the cast of The Hills....

The C's are up 3-2. Still confident it is going 7.

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