Sunday, May 27, 2007

Beginning of the End? Lets Hope So

"Do not let our zeal blind us"-ME

“The View” is the worst television show every created.

Now, I have never actually seen a full episode. I tried, but had a seizure after about 15 minutes. Normally I would refrain from commenting on anything in this situation. I am not a “View” aficionado. They lost another overbearing wieght challenged host this case you are reading this from beyond the grave. Anyway, heres why I hate it so.

1. It is one of the few shows that somehow works its way into every media outlet because of the lame qualities that draw the insane people who control our media. his show is covered by actual media outlets for creating news when the women start fighting. Local,national, does not matter. It is pervasive.

2. The show has set women back 50 years. It has killed feminism. If Hillary Clinton every had a chance, it has gone up in flames. You want a women as President? Well, women in power have shown they cannot event co-exist on a morning TV show, let alone govern. Men have slaughtered for centuries, but we have never subjected the world to this. TV, Newspapers, and the Internet have covered the happening of these trifling ass women since its inception. Thus, it infuriates the inner chauvinist just by how much the show drags down the American culture. Thank You ladies....

3.The bizarre infatuation that both traditional and non traditional press has with this show works like a virus, destroying everything that is good in the world by its constant feeding on the souls of all people who watch television.”

4."The View” is life boiled down to a verbal cat fight. Are You Not Entertained? I swear to Buddha, if I have to see another “Breaking News” introduction followed by an analysis of the events on “The View” I am going to snap.

5. It may be the only show on TV controlled by people who have an tride and true evil agenda. I actually believe everyone associociated with the show, ....the hosts, the producers, the camera people, ...are all members of the Sith. The clip sums up their world view nicely. Elizabeth Hasselbeck is clearly Darth Vader to Barbra Walters' Darth Sidious. Rosie and Starr Jones ...obviously Darth Tyrannus and General Grievious.

Lets us all hope that this show is taken off the air and replaced with a meat rotisserie informercial.

After a thoroughly disappointing “fight” between Chuck Liddell and Quinton Jackson on Saturday night, I think we can put to the rest the idea that MMA is profoundly better then boxing. There has to be a happy medium. Thankfully, there is…no not “The View”… is call Football…and it can be seen every weekend from August until February.

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